Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Visual Essay

So as I sat back and pondered about what in the world I would tackle for this assignment, I focused on attempting to improve a visual that shows "how something works". However, I did not want to settle on anything generic such as the process of photosynthesis or how to tie a tie. I was thinking about life cycles, and then I recalled watching a show on animal planet that discussed the incredible and complex life cycle of a parasite.

After much googling I found the parasite that I had been looking for. Its name is Dicrocoelium dendriticum. After familiarizing myself with its life cycle I then searched for a visual representation of its life cycle. I found quite a few, but noticed that some were either too simple, and others were too complex to quickly decipher. Thus and aha moment, and I soon found my subject for this assignment.

I chose the visual that I found particularly hard to decipher since there was a lack of wording and a flip flopping between drawn and photographed material.

Thus in my example I sought to address those two problem areas of the original. I decided to stick to cartoon representations accompanied by brief explanations of what the cycle entails of. The audience I targeted with its construction are children of middle school age. The reason I chose to do this was because I recall as a child looking at scientific visuals and finding them difficult to understand at first glance due to its complexity.

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